Thursday, March 19, 2009
Emily Dickinson
Melanie Freeman
English 48B
March 19, 2009
Emily Dickinson
Although the reason for Emily Dickinson's self inflicted isolation has been debated throughout history, it is clear that the time she spent alone in her room was devoted to a thorough examination of the human consciousness and emotions. Through her poetry, Emily has been able to explore levels of the mind beyond the capacity of most people. The genius of Dickinson, enhanced by years devoted to expressing her "extreme emotional states", has created unimaginable depth to her poetry. Dickinson often describes a state of feeling overwhelmed or inundated with a physical substance or of a particular emotion. It appears that in her period of isolation, Dickinson at points felt overwhelmed by her own discoveries from within her own mind. Although the true Emily Dickinson remains a mystery, it is clear that her mind was thinking about an existence that far surpassed her physical self.
I started Early -- Took my Dog --
And visited the Sea --
The Mermaids in the Basement
Came out to look at me --
And Frigates -- in the Upper Floor
Extended Hempen Hands --
Presuming Me to be a Mouse --
Aground -- upon the Sands --
But no Man moved Me -- till the Tide
Went past my simple Shoe --
And past my Apron -- and my Belt --
And past my Bodice -- too --
And made as He would eat me up --
As wholly as a Dew
Upon a Dandelion's Sleeve --
And then -- I started -- too --
And He -- He followed -- close behind --
I felt his Silver Heel
Upon my Ankle -- Then my Shoes
Would overflow with Pearl --
Until We met the Solid Town --
No One He seemed to know --
And bowing -- with a Might look --
At me -- The Sea withdrew --
In this poem, Dickinson describes the experience of nearly drowning in the ocean as a metaphor for the orgasmic feeling she reaches during moments of intense thought. By pushing the limits of her own imagination, Dickinson is able to feel and experience sensations unknown to the average person. The ocean is used as a metphor to emcompass all that is offered by the universe in life and in death, an although she loves it, Dickinson is also consumed by it. Once the tide covers her, the thoughts in this poem seem to become more disjointed. It feels as if the speaker is witnessing flashes of images, as though she has no more control of her own mind.
In addition the feeling over being mentally overwhelmed, one must also notice the sensual tone in this poem as well. The relationship between the sea and the speaker can be perceived as sexual, as Dickinson describes the physical interaction between the two "bodies". In this sense, her feeling of being overwhelmed can be seen as a physical climax, or complete surrender to her own feelings.
In this poem, Dickinson ties together the feelings of emotional, mental and physical climax together in one fluid description. It is hard for the reader to differentiate was is real and what is metaphysical but it seems that that is Dickinson's intention. The pleasure Dickinson experiences from being able to deeply explore her own mind and feelings is manifested in the sensual, all-consuming force of the tide.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Emily Dickinson
Melanie Freeman
English 48B
March 17, 2009
Emily Dickinson
Many of the details regarding Emily Dickinson's life remain a mystery today because of her introverted, reclusive lifestyle. Not published until four years after her death, Dickinson was not recognized as the influential poet she was during her own lifetime. Her unique use of structure, punctuation, and subject matter has had a strong influence on poets and writers throughout history. Dickinson spent the majority of her adult life writing from within her room in her parents home. The reason for her self inflicted isolation remains unknown today and has been a subject heavily scrutinized by many scholars. Although many questions about Emily Dickinson are still present today, it is clear that she is one of the greatest, most complex American poets and one whose poetry offers unlimited interpretations.
The Nerves sit ceremonious, like Tombs -
The stiff Heart questions was it He, that bore, '
And Yesterday, or Centuries before?
The Feet, mechanical, go round -
Of Ground, or Air, or Ought -
A Wooden way
Regardless grown,
A Quartz contentment, like a stone-
Remembered, if outlived,
As Freezing persons recollect the Snow-
First-Chill-then Stupor-then the letting go-
This poem is clearly reflective of Dickinson's fascination with both nature and with death. Here Dickinson describes the physicality of freezing to death as well as the emotional "letting go" that follows. Although Dickinson is obviously not describing her own death, her ability to recreate the hardening sensation is very realistic. In Dickinson's own life she lost many of her close friends and family members to deadly diseases and it is as if she has experienced a sort of death of a portion of her own life with the passing of those who are close to her.
The overall sensation of this poem is a feeling of calcification. The metaphors comparing human organs such as nerves and hearts to tombs and stone creates the image of the life leaving ones body. The "Hour of Lead" Dickinson describes is the slow surrender of a person's body to hypothermia and eventual death.
In the third stanza, Dickinson writes, "Remembered, if outlived" to imply that speaker has experienced near death but is not writing from the grave. Perhaps Dickinson has manifested her own pain and grief into this poem to explain how deeply she has comprehended what death is. It seems as if by locking herself in her room for years, Dickinson has had the opportunity to deeply contemplate what the sensation of death feels like and recreate it metaphorically in her own poetry.
It is also interesting to note that Dickinson refers to the feeling of death as "formal". This implies Dickinson's respect for death itself. By seeing death as "formal" and "ceremonious" Dickinsion expresses that perhaps she does not fear death at all. Death is portrayed as the most intensely emotion moment of ones life and one that is highly regarded, not feared.
Although Dickinson has been described as a "death obsessed spinster" (74) with a negative conotation, I do not believe her fascination with death is necessarily from a morbid view. By being able to invest so many hours into exploring the emotional and physical experience of death, Dickinson has been able to describe death as through she has experienced it. A feat that is unimagainable for many people.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Walt Whitman
Melanie Freeman
English 48B
March 12, 2009
Walt Whitman- Song of Myself
As one of the original twelve poems from the first edition of Leaves of Grass, Song of Myself is a very significant poem to Whitman's career. This poem was revised throughout Whitman's career and embodies everything that he is. This poem received several different titles such as "Walt Whitman" and "Poem of Walt Whitman: An American" until it was given its final name, "Song of Myself" in 1867. Song of Myself is Whitman's most significant and well known piece of work for its ability to encapsulate everything that is him, that is human, that is natural and that is American. The reviews of this poem have been mixed thoughout history, calling it everything from vulgar and tasteless to glorious and profound. Whitman's ability to notice seemingly insignificant objects or occurences and point out the complex meaning behind them distinguishes him among poets.
"A child said What is the grass? fetching it to me with full hands;
How could I answer the child? I do not know what it is any more than he"(33).
Section six of Song of Myself is a very good example of Whitman's ability to take an object that is typically overlooked and give it profound meaning. In this section Whitman ruminates on the definition of grass and its deeper, philosophical connections to this country. The blade of grass represents nature in general as the connection beween humans in this world. The natural environment shared by all, is deeply tied to our beliefs and memories.
One of Whitman's answers to the child's question is that grass is "the hankerchief of the Lord" (34). This answer portrays Whitman as religious with a commitment to god in each day of his life. In this sense, grass serves as the constant reminder of the creator, the one responsible for the very land we exist on.
Whitman also defines grass as a "uniform hieroglyphic" (34), or a connection between all cultures in the United States. By implying that the grass does not discrimminate where it will grow, Whitman illustrates his open mind and tolerance for all cultures. This description of grass celebrates the mixing of cultures and the diversity in America.
The image of grass also brings a memory to Whitman's mind, as "the beautiful uncut hair of the graves" (34). This connection is in reference to Whitman's experience in the Civil War and from witnessing the immense casualities it created. This definition is far more dark and depressing but also very significant to United States History. Just as grass is responsible for uniting people, it is also the place of battles and death. The grass growing around the graves shows how the earth absorbs all aspects of life, both good and bad.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Walt Whitman
Melanie Freeman
English 48B
March 10, 2009
Walt Whitman: Crossing Brooklyn Ferry
Born in West Hills, Long Island in 1819, Walt Whitman is remembered as the most influential American poet of all time. Breaking rules and tradition that had regulated poets throughout history, Whitman created a style of poetry that is distinctly American. Whitman wrote solely in free verse, which rejected the formalist, pattern and rhyming poetry. This unregulated style in combination with his more human, natural topics, made poetry that was descriptive of the average, working American. Whitman, who started his literary career as a journalist, wrote about things that he saw. Living in Manhattan, Whitman witnessed crime, poverty, and sexuality, all topics that revolutionized poetry of the time. Similar to Mark Twain, Whitman created a rougher style of writing that is perfectly representative of the world he existed in: an industrializing United States.
"And you that shall cross from shore to shore years hence are more to me, and more in my meditations, than you might suppose" (21).
Crossing Brookyln Ferry, was first published in the second edition of Leaves of Grass in 1856. This collection of poetry was an organic work that was under constant revision throughout Whitman's career. This poem appeared in the final "death bed" version of Leaves of Grass and is very significant to remembering Whitman's origins. Whitman surely crossed the river on this ferry many times in his life and this poem is an example of his talent for obersvation and thoughts on human existance.
Whitman's Crossing Brooklyn Ferry is written from the perspective of a man who has died and is looking back on his life. Written later in his literary career, it is clear Whitman has gained insight into life as an older man and is sharing his thoughts and experiences with younger generations.
In this poem, Whitman describes a common experience that creates very deep meaning. By describing the crossing of the ferry, Whitman writes about the connection between generations of human beings. He writes that as humans, we are all more alike than we think and that he has shared similar experiences and feelings with each one of us.
In the years that follow, thousands of people will cross on this ferry, sharing feelings of guilt and isolation, but in the scheme of life, Whitman believes, this is insignificant. Whitman belives humans will follow similar patterns throughout history and that human nature remains consistent. Human's naturally tend to mentally alienate themselves during times of stress or sadness, but in reality these feelings are what defines us as humans.
Whitman, the narrator of this poem and someone who appears to be speaking from the grave, feels that he understands people and life now that he has experienced it. He finds connections between people that we as humans are unable to percieve until after death. Whitman describes that all aspects of life "were to [him] the same as they are to [everyone else]" (23), to show that life is a shared experience and that humans are all existing as a part of a greater universe.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Kate Chopin
Melanie Freeman
English 48B
March 5, 209
Kate Chopin: The Awakening
A pattern that exists throughout Edna's "awakening" is that she often becomes overcome with emotion but has not been able to interpret the reason for her feelings. On some occasions she is extremely happy, others thoroughly depressed "without knowing why" (58). Edna can feel a change happening inside of her but she has not yet truly understood these changes. It is not until her last moments on the shore of the Grand Isle, that Edna finally understands herself. Unfortunately, at this same instance, Edna is overcome with heart break which prevents her from being able to exist as the woman she truly is.
"She understood now clearly what she had meant long ago when she said to Adele Ratignolle that she would give up the unessential, but she would never sacrifice herself for her children" (113).
This moment follows the climax of the novel when Edna reads Robert's letter. The letter explains that he has left her again, implying that he is unable to reciprocate her love for him. Self-alienated from her husband and children, Edna is more alone and devastated than ever. She returns to Grand Isle, the island where she met Robert last summer for what appears to be a chance for her to clear her mind. As Edna heads to the water to swim, she removes her suit and stands completely naked on the shore. Edna swims far out and her weak, exhausted body succumbs to the ocean.
As Edna realizes the meaning of a sentence she spoke months before she finally understands the woman she truly is. She now knows that she was forced into a life she did not want and felt trapped by the social expectations of women from of her status. Her role as a mother was never fitting and at this point she finally embraces that fact.
Although Edna has started the process of reinventing herself by painting more often and living on her own, she has not been able to succeed in her personal relationships. She feels guilty for her relations with Adlee and crushed by her rejection from Robert. At this moment Edna finally comprehends what is mentally required to survive as the woman she is and has fallen short. She is too weak and injured and gives up in response. She is unable to fulfill the requirement Mademoiselle Reisz set for her; to "possess the courageous soul that dares and defies" (114). The ideal of becoming a woman without the confines of society's opression is a task impossible for Edna to achieve.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Kate Chopin
Melanie Freeman
English 48B
March 4, 2009
Kate Chopin: The Awakening
Kate Chopin was born in St. Louis in 1851 into an aristocratic family. Upon her wedding to Oscar Chopin, Kate moved to New Orleans and became a member of the Louisiana Creole social scene. She did not begin to her writing career until after her husband's sudden death in the early 1880s. With a plantation to run and six children to take care of, Kate often wrote very quickly and efficiently. Kate Chopin is often described as a regional writer who recreates and memorializes the Old South and Creole culture. Her most famous work, The Awakening, not only describes the Creole culture but tells the story of a woman's series of self discoveries. Although The Awakening was harshly criticized for being vulgar upon its first publication in 1899, it is now a staple in many English classes for its depiction of the changing definition of what a woman is.
"At a very early period she had apprehended instinctively the dual life- that outward existence which conforms, the inward life which questions" (15).
At this point in the novel, the reader has been introduced to Edna Pointellier as the wife of a wealthy, Creole businessman who is spending the summer on vacationing at the Grand Isle, a celebrated Creole resort. From the very beginning of the novel, Edna has experienced emotional distress but cannot pin point the source. She has been attempting to self examine her own feelings but is yet to see things clearly. Although she has been enjoying her time at the Grand Isle, she senses that she is on the verge of an emotional breakdown or a major change in her own feelings.
In one session of examination, Edna experiences one of many self realizations. Edna ponders on the idea of a dual life, which she feels she has always led. On the outside, she has conformed to society's expectations of a woman. She has married a wealthy man and maintained a comfortable existence and given birth to several children. However, this role Edna has been forced to play is far from who she truly is.
This double life Edna describes in context of "the woman question" is very similar to the double consciousness W.E.B. Du Bois describes regarding "the negro question". It seems that when groups of people are opressed by others due to stereotypes are prejudice, a double consciousness forms in response. On one hand, these women or blacks must act as society expects in order to be accepted at all. However, internally they know they are not being true to themselves. Society does not allow them to express their true feelings and therefore must keep these feelings hidden within.
Although Edna does not suffer economically as much as the black populations from this time, her opression takes a different form. The requirement she feels to represent a certain image becomes emotionally damaging and leads Edna to a point of breakdown. I predict the "awakening" Edna will experience will be once she is able to shed her dual life and live her one life honestly.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Mark Twain
Melanie Freeman
English 48B
February 24th, 2009
Mark Twain: Fenimore Cooper's Literary Offenses
Mark Twain was born Samuel L. Clemens in Florida, Missouri in 1835. He is forever remembered as one of, if not the most famous American writer in history. Clemens adopted the name "Mark Twain" after he had worked as a river boat captain along the Mississippi River. "Mark Twain" literally means the edge between safe and dangerous water. The meaning behind this pen name is not only a reference to his roots, but a metaphor for the Twain's own character. He consistently tested the boundaries of American literature and broke major ground all with a humorous yet precise style of writing. Twain was clearly a genius of the English language and it is the manner in which he uses this to portray the American people is truly what makes him stand out from other writers.
"Cooper was certainly not a master in the construction of dialogue. Inaccurate observation defeated him here as it defeated him in so many other enterprises of his. He even failed to notice that the man who talks corrupt English six days in the week must and will talk it on the seventh, and can't help himself" (301).
Fenimore Cooper's Literary Offenses represents Twain's critique of the use of language in literature by his contemporaries and explains why he felt confident writing in a style that was so different from everyone else. James Fenimore Cooper is a well known author of historical fiction, often describing a hero who overcomes forces of the wilderness through his cunning strength and survival skills. In this work, Twain lists all of the reasons he dislikes Cooper's work, mainly pertaining to the unfulfilled feeling he gets from the writing itself. Twain interprets Cooper's work to be highly overrated and full of cliques and inconsistencies.
One of Mark Twain's greatest accomplishments is how he managed to incorporate true American speech into complex literature. The raw, unaltered speech found in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn truly portrays America how it was, not how it was characterized to be. By allowing "real" characters to experience and explain deep moral issues, Twain separated himself from other writers and created a new definition of American Literature.
Mark Twain felt that a major flaw of Coopers was his "inaccurate observation". Twain felt that Cooper's inability to see and portray Americans accurately completely discredited the writing. Twain spends a good portion of Fenimore Cooper criticizing the inconsistencies in the character's speech. The character Deerslayer thinks eloquently and profoundly in one instance, yet speaks with the improper English slang. To Twain, these contradicting ideas are hilarious and unforgivable.
Huckleberry Finn can be viewed as the piece of writing retaliates against Cooper. Huck is the true voice of the novel and the reader experiences the story completely through his perspective. The reader is not removed from the mind of this uneducated runaway and this is what makes the novel so profound. There are no jarring inconsistencies, or cliches, the writing is completely honest to the time and the character. The lessons learned in Huck are realistic, not contrived. By staying true to the time period and not embellishing the language so the sake of literature, Twain has managed to create a piece of writing that is far more meaningful that those "epic" adventures writen by Cooper.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Edith Wharton
Melanie Freeman
English 48B
February 19, 2009
Edith Wharton: The Other Two
Edith Wharton is best known for her two novels, The House of Mirth and The Age of Innocence. The themes of these novels, as well as her other works deal with the elite class of society and the dilemmas they face despite the level of luxury they reside in. Wharton herself was raised in a very privileged family and lived a lifestyle similar to many of her leading heroines. Once she managed to end her unhappy marriage in 1913, she devoted the rest of her life to her writing and her involvement in relief organizations during World War 1.
"People shook their heads over him, however, when one grudging friend, to whom he affirmed that he took the step with his eyes open, replied oracularly: "Yes- and with your ears shut" (831).
This quote appears early in the story, shortly after we are introduced to the newlywed Waythorns. Mr. Waythorn is clearly a very successful man who offers his new bride a very luxurious lifestyle. The couple has returned early from their honeymoon due to Lily, Alice's daughter's struggle with typhoid. We also quickly learn that this is not Alice's first marriage, in fact it is her third. This quotation explains the reactions Waythorn's friends had upon hearing he was planning to marry Alice and the social disgrace that is associated with divorce.
The role of the public opinion just as influential in both Wharton's The Other Two as it is in James' Daisy Miller. The very nature of the society these people lived in involved the constant criticism of whether something was proper or not. The struggle each character faces in choosing whether or not to let the public opinion influence his or her actions is the very basis of the moral dilemma in each story. The "correct" behavior of an affluent woman in society is tested by both Alice and Daisy in their own sense.
At a time when divorce was a new and highly scrutinized practice, Alice Waythorn had already had two. By moving from husband to husband Alice gained attention from the public and not in a positive light. The "scandal" of her remarrying for a third time not only tarnishes her own public reputation but also the reputation of her soon to be husband.
The quote above address Mr. Waythorn specifically, and reveals just how disapproving society was of his choice to marry Alice. By taking the step "with his eyes open...and ears shut" (831), Waythorn is making the conscious decision to ignore the gossip around him. He has chosen a woman who has clearly acted without fear of public scrutiny and he decides to do the same. His sincere belief that she only has feelings for him despite her past motivated Waythorn to shut out any doubt he may have heard from others.
However, as the story progresses, Waythorne begins to doubt his original decision as he realizes that perhaps the public warning was correct. To his disappointment, Alice truly is a manifestation of her complicated past and was not able to "shed her past like a man" (841), as Waythorn has sincerely hoped.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Henry James
Melanie Freeman
English 48B
February 17, 2009
Henry James: Daisy Miller: A Study
The setting and way of life described in Henry James' fiction is much like the lifestyle he lead himself; privileged, wealthy, educated and of high society. Born in New York City in 1843 with a wealthy business man as a father, Henry was able to experience the highest quality of life. His ultimate goal was to be a "literary master" by European standards, however he did not reach the height of his popularity until after his death. James spent the majority of his life in Europe, where he was also educated as a young man. The time he spent in England gave him the opportunity to observe the behavior of Americans in Europe, recorded in one of his earliest works, Daisy Miller: A Study. This work was highly scandalous for its time and was banned in American for many years for its shocking portrayal of the behavior exhibited by an American woman.
"He said to himself that she was too light and childish, too uncultivated and unreasoning, too provincial, to have reflected upon her ostracism or even to have perceived it. Then at the other moments he believed that she carried about in her elegant and irresponsible little organism a defiant, passionate, perfectly observant consciousness of the impression she produced" (424).
At this point in the story, Winterbourne's infatuation with Miss Daisy has reached its height. They have both been living in Rome for some time and Miss Daisy's relationship with Giovanelli appears to have become more serious. The two spend every minute of the day together and Winterbourne feels he has become more distanced from the girl he admires more than ever. Although James does not portray Winterbourne as a jealous man, one can determine he is becoming thoroughly frustrated by Daisy's actions. He attempts to understand the motives of this woman but becomes increasingly perplexed as he attempts to analyze this "American girl".
As Winterbourne reflects over his impression of Miss Daisy in his head, it is clear that he has as much difficulty reading her as he did the moment he met her. His contradicting descriptions illustrate the warping effect this women has had on his mind. Although Winterbourne has a great deal of respect to the rules of society he has learned in Europe, I believe there is something in Daisy's carefree attitude that attracts him.
On one hand, Winterbourne represents the rest of the upper society who judges Daisy for her improper behavior. Although he may like her, Winterbourne admits that she is "a young person of the reckless class". Winterbourne often finds himself feeling protective of Daisy, wishing she would act more lady-like or at least become aware of the image she is projecting. He is often criticized for being attracted to Daisy by his aunt and Mrs. Walker because of her behavior, and finds himself frustrated for being caught in this dilemma.
Alternatively, Winterbourne also shows a form of respect for the level of self- confidence Miss Daisy has. He often gets the impression that she is well aware of the image she portrays and simply doesn't care what others think of her. By freeing herself from the confines of society's standards, Daisy is able to have the experiences she desires. To Winterbourne, who has always obeyed society's rules, this idea is strange yet attractive. He somewhat envies Daisy's state of mind and finds it makes her much more alluring.
Throughout the entire story Winterbourne changes his impression of Daisy repeatedly. She is to him, an oxymoron or a very complex puzzle. Her behavior is scandalous by the standards of the European elite, yet her charisma is undeniable. Her ability to brush off the criticism or perhaps remain completely unaware of it is a quality he learns to admire the closer he becomes with Daisy.
Friday, February 13, 2009
Stephen Crane
Melanie Freeman
English 48B
February 13, 2009
Stephen Crane: The Open Boat
On January 1, 1897, Stephen Crane sailed as a correspondent aboard the Commodore. On its journey from Jacksonville, Florida to Cuba the steamboat sank and Crane along with the other three travelers escaped in a ten-foot row boat. The Open Boat, published in June 1897 is a fictional account of this epic, near death experience. Crane writes to describe the value of human existence, a lesson he learned when he thought he would surely drown.
"But she was different, flatly indifferent. It is, perhaps, plausible that a man in this situation, impressed with the unconcern of the universe, should see the innumerable flaws of this life and have them taste wickedly in his mind and wish for another chance. A distinction between right and wrong seems absurdly clear to him, then, in this new ignorance of the grave-edge, and he understands that if he were given another opportunity he would mend his conduct and his words, and be better and brighter during an introduction or at a tea" (1013-1014).
At this point in the account, the men had been on the row boat for quite some time. They have been tempted with the hope of rescue and miserably denied it. Their physical exhaustion has reached an extreme and the reality that they will drown is clearly setting in. In moments they will jump from the boat and swim for shore and their fate lies in the hands of the ocean from this point on. The value of existence becomes bitterly clear to Crane at this moment, as his sarcastic attitude describes the desire for a second chance.
In my eyes, Crane's nihilism, pessimism and sarcasm all clearly emerge in this passage. He begins the passage by personifying nature as completely indifferent and unconcerned with his existence. Crane has expressed this idea before in his novel The Blue Hotel, stating that we are merely lice clinging "to a whirling, firesmote, ice-locked disease-stricken, space-lost bulb". The image of humans as equivalent to lice, devalues them significantly and nihilistically portrays the meaning of life. In these moments of near death, Crane decides that in the context of the universe, humans mean absolutely nothing and trivializes his thoughts of "a second chance" at a life that means nothing.
As Crane goes on, he describes the reality one is able to perceive, only in the last moments of life. Once death is near, one is able to understand their mistakes and see their life objectively for the first time. The irony is, that of course there are no second chances at life and this last minute insight is merely a tease for the person who experiences it. By writing that he would be "better and brighter during an introduction, or at a tea", Crane's sarcasm becomes very apparent. His sudden desire to fix his behavior in the most meaningly tasks illustrates his bitter attitude towards life. From this experience aboard the Commodore, Crane has gained the insight that only those who have brushed with death have. Unfortunately, it appears that Crane's orginial pessimism has only been heightened and perhaps justified.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Stephen Crane
Melanie Freeman
English 48B
February 10, 2009
Stephen Crane: Maggie: A Girl of the Streets
Stephen Crane is known as one of the main proponents for the idea of naturalistic writing. Although his personal life was far different than the lives of his characters, Crane was able to produce writing with very dark, literal interpretations of the "depths of society" (7). Unfortunately, Crane's literary career was cut extremely short with his death by tuberculosis at the age of twenty-eight. However, his works such as Maggie: A Girl of the Streets still remain as accurate representations of the poverty stricken environments many people endured in this country.
"To him the police were always actuated by malignant impulses and the rest of the world was composed, for the most part, of despicable creatures who were all trying to take advantage of him and with whom, in defense, he was obliged to quarrel on all possible occasions" (965).
At this moment in the novel, Jimmie has grown from an impressionable child into a hardened, "young man of leather"(964). He has been hired as a driver and finds himself continuing to get in fights with numerous people he interacts with. His short temper and inherent mistrust in all people justifies his numerous acts of physical violence. By this time Jimmie has lost his father and has been forced to become the head of the household. This added stress also fuels his sudden outbursts of extreme anger.
After reading this description of Jimmie's interpretation of the people he interacts with, I could easily draw similarities to the ideas of Thomas Hobbes on human nature and the ideas of Social Darwinism. Hobbes believed that "man is aggressive, competitive, ever-striving being, moved by the compulsion to fill his unlimited appetites" (Greenberg, 38). This idea that, for the most part, the average person is evil and reckless, clearly supports the idea of Social Darwinism that emerged from Crane's time period. Crane describes Jimmie as the epitome of Hobbes' fear of human nature. His natural violent ways support the idea that those who are naturally unfit for society are doomed for failure.
In response to his view on human nature, Hobbes believed that those who govern society are a select minority who are not plagued by these evils and they must be responsible for maintaining peace and order. In terms of Social Darwinism, this minority also exists but as an justification for economic inequalities. One can interpret Stephen Crane's "Maggie" in the same context.
Crane's angry, alcoholic pessimistic characters such as Jimmie and Mary are products of Social Darwinism. They follow their instinctively violent ways and have found themselves on the fringes of society in return. Maggie, the only character described to have potentially escaped this pattern of failure, also falls victim to a devastating fate. Her fantasies of social growth are ruined by her naieve trust in the people around her. Once again, this idea of the "survival of the fittest"' comes into play and justifies that tragic lifestyle these people faced.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Maria Amparo Ruiz de Burton
Melanie Freeman
English 48B
February 5th, 2009
Maria Amparo Ruiz de Burton: The Squatter and the Don
Maria Ruiz was the first Mexican American author to become published in English. She was born in Baja California in 1832, the granddaughter of a wealthy, aristocratic Mexican commander, similar to Don Mariano in her novel, The Squatter and the Don. Maria Ruiz was a well educated woman who witnessed the changes the state of California experienced in response to the western expansion after the Civil War. Her writing focuses on not only social and political tensions between the Mexican Americans and the white settlers, but also on environmental issues as well. The Squatter and the Don can be interpreted from many viewpoints, but as an environmental critic, is reveals the importance of living harmoniously with the land.
"Don very properly says, this is a grazing county, no legislation can change it. So it would be wiser to make laws to suit the county, and not expect the county will change its character to suit absurd laws..." (100)
This comment closes the meeting between the Don and the white squatters described in the novel. In this meeting, the Don as proposed a plan which will serve as a compromise between himself and the squatters. In this plan he recommends that the farmers replace their wheat fields with cattle and orchards to utilize the land they are given. The Don feels that with these crops, the natural resources they have with be fully utilized, waste will be minimized and profits will increase.
From the viewpoint of an environmentalist, the Don's proposal is based upon most natural, environment friendly values we are taught today. The idea behind environmentalism is so take advantage of the natural resources provided by the earth and to live ones life in harmony with nature. The production of artificial products and the waste of natural ones damages the earth and limits the capacity of what is achievable. By suggesting that San Diego county is "a grazing county" and insisting that raising cattle will be most profitable, the Don is unconsciously preserving the environment. Whether or not environmental concern is a priority for the Don, his ideas about utilizing the resources rather than altering them is clearly indicative of a conservationist view.
Both Maria Ruiz and Sarah Orne Jewett focus on the preserving their home lands as they remember them. Each writer incorporates the natural environment as an essential aspects of the way of life and in the success of each society. When this natural equilibrium is altered by either killing natural species or growing crops that waste resources, the value of the land is depleted. The act of living harmoniously with the land and resistance to industrial damages are clear themes in each of these writer's works.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Sarah Orne Jewett
Melanie Freeman
English 48B
February 3, 2009
Sarah Orne Jewett's A White Heron
Sarah One Jewett is often viewed as a regionalist writer who represented the culture of her hometown of South Berwick, Maine in her works. Her writing celebrates the natural beauty of the environment around her, often describing the influences of the neighboring ocean. Although Jewett's writing is multi dimensional, her clear references to the changing landscape of her hometown portray her ecological critique of the Industrial Revolution. Jewett memorializes the distinct ways of life and physical environment before technology dominated the New England region to show how drastically the physical land and way of life has been altered.
"Half a mile from home, at the farther edge of the woods, where the land was highest, a great pine tree stood, the last of its generation. Whether it was left for a boundary mark, or for what reason, no one could say; the woodchoppers who had felled its mates were dead and gone long ago...." (526).
This description of the pine tree occurs after the young sportsman meets Sylvia and her grandmother and becomes a guest on their farm. He tells them that he studies birds and would love nothing more than to find and shoot a white heron. He offers Sylvia ten dollars if she will show him the bird and for the time being she considers it. After spending the day hunting along side the sportsman, Sylvia pictures the image of this tree while lying awake in bed and realizes how significant her climbing of this tree is.
Sylvia describes this old pine tree as though it is worthy of great respect. This tree is representative of the land before the influence of technology and literally and figuratively stands about the entire forrest. By climbing this tree, Sylvia feels that she will be able to see everything clearly, including the location of the white heron. This tree will give Sylvia access to all of the secrets of the forrest, as long as she proves herself strong enough to climb to the top.
I feel that this pine being "the last of its generation" is representative of Jewett's disapproval of the ecological damage created by the Industrial Revolution. This tree becomes such an essential character in the story and is often personified to give nature significant value. The idea that the white heron is found living in this tree and that there is only one heron left is also very evocative of Jewett's role as an environmental critique. The "woodchoppers" have clearly damaged this bird's natural habitat so drastically that it is at the point of extinction from this area.
The white heron, a symbol of virginity and purity, can also be read as a symbol of pure, natural land. Once human influence has altered or damaged the environment, the purity of the land is also damaged. When Sylvia decided the keep the location of the heron a secret, she is vowing to maintain the natural order of the land and do her best to keep it safe from the strong influence of the economic, male- driven society.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Sui Sin Far (Edith Maud Eaton)
Melanie Freeman
English 48B
January 29, 2009
Sui Sin Far: In the Land of the Free
Although she was not a direct immigrant from Asia to the United States, Sui Sin Far's writing is seen as a portrayal of the harsh treatment Asian immigrants faced upon entering this country in the late 1800s. Her experiences as a journalist for Fly Leaf while living on the west coast of the United States exposed her to the extreme injustice Asian Americans experience. Far's use of irony throughout The Land of the Free reveals the truth about what immigrants found behind America's "golden door" (Lazarus).
"The Little One protested lustily against the transfer; but his mother covered her face with her sleeve and his father silently lead her away. Thus was the law of the land complied with" (881).
This moment describes the heart wrenching scene of Hom Hing handing his newborn baby over to the immigration officers. The unbelievable idea that a young baby would actually be separated from his parents shows the complete absence of compassion in the American government. This moment is particularly significant in that it teaches the couple the reality of life in America. The heart breaking feeling these parents share is far from the bliss they expected to find in America. While there may have been economic opportunity in America, the racial oppression Asia immigrants faced made life phenomenally challenging.
The experience Hom Hing and Lae Choo have upon entering the America clearly effects the emotional side of the reader. A forceful separation of a child from its parents is inhuman and cruel. The reader immediately feels sympathetic towards the poor family and becomes infuriated with the actions of the government. Sui Sin Far is able to portray the American government very harshly in this context because this story revolves around dehumanization. The anti-immigration laws are so severe that families can be ripped apart if they do not comply.
Although I do agree with Far that Asian immigrants were severely mistreated, I feel this story only represents a very extreme case. What we must remember as readers is that the Asians immigrated to America for a reason. Although they did not find the paradise they may have imagined, many did find economic improvements. I do not doubt that some families suffered the same nightmare as Hom Hing and Lae Choo, but I can't help but think about the other side of the argument.
Vast numbers of immigrants poured into the U.S. at this time for a reason; to escape the harsh conditions they had faced in their home countries. If immigrant treatment in America was universally awful, why did so many make the journey? I am in no way defending how the government treated immigrants in this country but could their lives here be much worse than at home? Perhaps America wasn't "the land of the free" but can we really say the American Dream never existed for immigrants?
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Abraham Cahan
Melanie Freeman
English 48B
January 27, 2009
Abraham Cahan: The Imported Bridegroom
Abraham Cahan was an Orthodox Jews who immigrated to the United States from the Russian Empire in 1882. Cahan's education in Europe was specialized in literature and social theory, which allowed him to become one of the most prominent Jewish American writers of his time. The "Americanization" struggles immigrants faced upon arriving in the United States was at the heart of much of Cahan's writing. He felt that his writing could help the immigrants rise out of their poor, urban ghettos and become a part of the industrializing nation. The Imported Bridegroom and Other Stories of the New York Ghetto was published in 1898. This story describes many of conflicts between traditional, Jewish religious practices and the newly adopted American ways of life. The irony used throughout the text reveals the harsh reality of this "paradise on earth" (789) , known as New York City.
"When supper was over and Asriel and Tamara were about to say grace, Flora resumed the reading of her novel.
'Off with that lump of Gentile nastiness while holy words are being said!' the old man growled" (766).
At this point in the text, the reader has been introduced to Flora as a beautiful, Americanized Jewish girl who wants nothing more but to become a part of upper class society. She has spent the afternoon reading English literature alone until her father, Asriel returns home for supper. We have also learned that Asriel has recently become consumed with reestablishing himself as a religious man in hopes that he will be forgiven for his many sins. Asriel has become very extreme in his attempt to bring himself and his family back to traditional Jewish values.
This moment is one of the first interactions Asriel has with his daughter and the situation and tone is reflective of one of the main conflicts throughout the story. Flora represents the Americanized Jew who wants to leave the old ways behind and Asriel represents the old, traditional Jewish practices. These two ideas continue to conflict throughout the story just as Asriel and his daughter do in this instance.
I think that this brief instance provides foreshadowing and encapsulates the main problem many immigrants faced upon arriving in America. For many immigrants, America symbolized a fresh start and freedom from the oppression they had faced in their home countries. These people hoped to go to America and be free to live how they would like and also for the economic opportunities rumored to be had. However, what they did not expect was for America itself to have such a distinct culture of its own. The focus on economics shaped the American people distinctly that immigrants were forced to conform.
Success and economic growth were the main ideas in the Industrial Revolution and traditional religious practices were left behind. Flora, a Jewish girl born in America, the new ideas seemed logical while the old traditions seemed distant and even ridiculous. She does not understand her father's insistence on the importance of prayer and worship and would much rather spend her time reading. Asriel takes great offense to this because to him, "the holy words" should come before all else.
The slow detachment many Jewish immigrants faced from their old ways was not an easy process. Many tried to hold on to their traditions but the strong influence of American culture often proved too strong.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Zitkala Sa (Gertrude Simmons Bonnin)
Melanie Freeman
Enlgish 48B
January 22. 2009
Zitkala Sa
Zitkala Sa or Gertrude Simmons Bonin is a member of the Sioux Indians, born in South Dakota in 1876. She is a well known Native American rights activist who gained public attention through her literary, debate and musical skills. Several of her short stories describing her experiences with Sioux culture were published in Atlantic Monthly, a popular magazine along the East coast. In these stories, Bonin describes her struggles while becoming "civilized" by the white population and reveals the misconceptions many people when labeling Native Americans as "savages". Bonin, like Sarah Winnemucca,viewed her childhood as the purest and happiest time of her life and believe that the white influence on Indian culture has forever damaged its beauty.
"Having gone many paces ahead I stopped, panting for breath, and laughing with glee as my mother watched my every movement. I was not wholly conscious of myself, but was more keenly alive to the fire within. It was as if I were the activity, and my hands and feet were only experiments for my spirit to work upon" (1107).
This moment is representative of how Bonin remembers her childhood as a young, native girl. She refers to her youth on the reservation as the happiest, most carefree time in her life. The physical vitality and overall good health Bonin feels at this age will soon leave her upon to moving into the white world. Bonin associates the pure happiness she experiences as a child to her identity as a Sioux and her appreciation for the nature around her. By creating such a positive image, Bonin illustrates just how immoral it was for the whites to feel they were compelled to take away a culture that was extremely peaceful and invigorating.
After reading Sarah Winnemucca and Zitkala Sa's accounts of Native American culture, it is clear that both women had a similar message to present to their audiences. Both women wanted to prove that their society's were far from "savage" by explaining their customs and morals taught by their people. Both writers also felt that their people were forced to suffer and change their ways for unnecessary reasons. Winnemucca and Zitkala Sa begin their autobiographies by describing communities that functioned peacefully and produced healthy, happy individuals and then contrast this happiness with feelings of fear and disorientation created by the white influence. The message these writers share is that the white influence stole the precious culture belonging to the Native Americans and replaced it with suffering and a form of education that left the Natives feeling disconnected from both their own society and white society.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Sarah Winnemucca
Melanie Freeman
English 48B
January 20, 2009
Sarah Winnemucca
Sarah Winnemucca, a member of the Paiute tribe from western Nevada produced one of the first written documentations regarding Native American life in her autobiography, Among the Piutes: Their Wrongs and Claims. Winnemucca is remembered as an activist for her people, through a lecture tour she gave along the east coast of the United States. Sarah was passionate in her plead for political assistance from the powerful easterners, in hopes that the land that was taken from her tribe would be returned to them. Her autobiography serves as the first glimpse into Native American culture and the struggles they faced upon being ordered to move to specific reservations.
"Ah, then you rise from your bended knees and seizing the welcoming hands of those who are the owners of this land, which you are not, your carbines rise upon the bleak shore, and your so-called civilization sweeps inland from the ocean wave; but, oh, my God! leaving its pathway marked by crimson blood and strewed by the bones of two races, the inheritor and the invader; and I am crying out to you for justice..." (511)
The final chapter of her autobiography entitled, "The Yakima Affair" serves as Sarah's ultimate indictment of the American government in regards to their Indian Removal Act. The other chapters of the novel do not contain the same passion and fear that has been brought out of Sarah upon hearing that her people must leave their home. Her fear of the white people has been building throughout her life, which turns into intense hatred in the in final chapter of her autobiography. This quotation appears to be at the height of Sarah's frustration and reveals her true anger towards how her people have been treated.
In this emotional outburst, Sarah uses irony to reveal just who are the true "savages" and who is the true "civilization" in the context of the Indian Removal Act. In the earlier chapters of her autobiography, Winnemecca describes the Paiute culture as civilized, orderly and moral, all traits that are admired by the European countries. She paints an image of a thriving community who is in constant harmony with the land until the intrusion from white settlers. Winnemecca also describes her people as loving, giving and optimistic when meeting their "white brothers", but becomes horrified by how the white people behave.
Sarah's description of her people portrays them as civilized, while her interpretation of white people is very brutal, dishonest and savage. This flipping of the roles, or labels shows just how self centered the white settlers were. They felt America was theirs for the taking and anyone who happened to land in the way was worth eliminating. Sarah uses the image of a giant wave to portray the white settlers. Strong, devastating and completely emotionless in regards to the Indian way of life. Winnemucca leaves her readers struggling with identifying the true savages in this context. Those who existed or those who invaded?
Thursday, January 15, 2009
W.E.B. Du Bois
Melanie Freeman
English 48B
January 15, 2009
W.E.B. Du Bois
W.E.B Du Bois is historically remembered as a radical, African American activist, a well educated scholar, writer and founder of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). Du Bois is responsible for the creating the idea of "double consciousness" to explain the struggle the black race feels when attempting to partake in white society. In his book, Souls of Black Folk, Du Bois explains this idea and how it has shaped his identity.
"It is a peculiar sensation, this double-consciousness, this sense of always looking at one's self through the eyes of others, of measuring one's soul by a tape of a world that looks on in with comtempt and pity." (896)
W.E.B. Du Bois explains this concept of double-consciousness both as a gift and as a burden. To Du Bois, understanding how he is percieved by white society has allowed him to understand himself and the world he lives in better. He has developed this exaggerated level of insight as a byproduct of discrimmination and is thankful for it. He explains how he has used this double-consciouness as a tool to understand the American world almost as an observer rather than a participant. However, in developing this ability to see himself through the eyes of others he has become more aware of the injustice he exists in. Du Bois uses his deep insight to argue that blacks should not be black people living in America, but true Americans themselves.
Upon reading Du Bois' thoughts on the gift of double-consciousness, I clearly see similarities to Booker T. Washington's opinions reguarding how blacks benefitted from their struggles. In his book, Up From Slavery, Booker T. Washington states that it is "out of the hard and unusual struggle through which he is compelled to pass, he gets stregnth, a confidence, that one misses whose pathway is comparitively smooth by reason of birth and race" (679). Athough both writers claim different benefits are gained through struggle, they both agree that they would not have liked to have lived life without it. Both Washington and Du Bois directly contribute their reaction to opression to have given them the motivation and qualities that have brought them success.
The main difference between the ideas of these two scholars is the goals each wish to achieve by utilizing their gains. Du Bois wishes to advance the black race through equal rights, higher education for blacks and the notion that a black man will be percieved as a white man's equal. Alternatively, Washington wishes to advance the black race in a moderate manner, focusing on role of the black race in the economy. He doesn't strive for the same rights as Du Bois and content with the idea that change has to occur slowly.
Du Bois and Washington are often portrayed in constant oppostion; two polar sides of an issue who share no common ideals. However, this assumption is not completely true. One must not overlook the clear connection these men share. Both are active in the advancement of black race and neither look for pity for their situation. Both are proud to be who they are and are grateful for the years of struggling that created two passionate leaders.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Booker T. Washington
Melanie Freeman
English 48B
January 13, 2009
Booker T. Washington: Up From Slavery
Booker T. Washington will always be regarded as a leader of the African American race who used his talents in writing and public speaking to help incorporate blacks into a racist, white society in the most humble and peaceful manner as possible. Although he has been criticized for being too submissive, one can not deny his remarkable influence in education and helping newly emancipated blacks in finding a way into American society. Booker T. Washington's views may appear to be somewhat modest by today's standards, but one must remember the influence of the time period he was in. The South during the post Civil War era was incredibly racist, plagued with minstral shows, lynchings and constant references to slavery being "the good ol' days". In order for Booker T. Washington to be received at all by the white population, he could not present them with views that were too extreme. In his most famous speech, the "Atlanta Compromise", Booker T. Washington uses a very significant metaphor to portrays his views.
"To those of my race who depend on bettering their condition in a foreign land or who underestimate the importance of cultivating friendly relations with the Southern white man, who is their next door neighbor, I would say: 'Cast down your bucket where you are'" (681).
The meaning behind Washington's metaphor is for the African American race to realize that they must adjust to freedom slowly and take advantage of their skills and opportunities they are available to them now. Instead of taking freedom to its extreme and expecting to hold the highest positions, the African Americans should utilize the knowledge they have in manual labor and start to work their way from the bottom up. Washington uses his metaphor to encourage the African Americans to proceed with humility and modesty and to realize that they need to begin as members of the labor force.
Although I think it may have crushed the dreams of a few newly freed slaves, overall Washington's speech was very uplifting and inspirational. It drove many African Americans to find jobs and enter American society in the most effective way possible. This speech was also extremely significant in the openness it created between the white and black races. It was a compromise between what the whites at the time were willing to allow and what the blacks had been hoping to achieve.
Booker T. Washington's role in the advancement of the African American race is undoubtedly clear. By today's standards he may appear submissive but one has to acknowledge that for his time he made significant advancement in the motivation of the blacks and the open mindedness of the whites.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
"The Yellow Wall-paper"
Melanie Freeman
English 48B
January 8, 2009
Journal #2 Charlotte Perkins Gilman
"The Yellow Wall-paper" by Charlotte Perkins Gilman is a short story that describes the unraveling of a woman's mind due to being treated with the "rest cure". "Hysteria" now more commonly viewed as anxiety or depression was a condition that was thought to be much more prominent in women. This mental break down was severely mistreated and the "rest cure" often caused more harm then help. "The Yellow Wall-paper" was based on Gilman's own personal experience with the "rest cure" and provides a strong argument against the treatment. In "Why I Wrote 'The Yellow Wall-paper'?" Gilman answers that "it was not intended to drive people crazy, but to save people from being driven crazy...(820)."
"On a pattern like this, by daylight, there is a lack of sequence, a defiance of law, that is a constant irritant to a normal mind. (815)"
This moment in the story occurs during the time when the speaker's condition truly starts to decline. Her obsession with the wall-paper becomes more intense and her description of it begins to dominate her entire journal entries. She has studied that pattern so thoroughly that images begin to emerge from the design that do not exist at all. The separation between what is reality and what is fantasy begin to blur and the narrative of the story becomes more disjointed. As the speaker's mind unravels so does the sequence of the text. The wall-paper itself if described to be taking on human abilities and the speaker is no longer able to establish it as an inanimate object. The speaker is no longer concerned with healing, her only concern from this moment on is to understand the wall-paper.
I believe that this quotation is most significant due to the irony it presents. The "lack of sequence" and "defiance of law" are becoming more and more characteristic of the speaker's sanity yet she admits that these things irritate her. The pattern that fascinates and consumes her also completely aggravates her. The combination of these contradicting emotions is clearly mentally damaging this woman. The description of her "normal mind" also reveals that she is on the brink of insanity. The ability to view oneself objectively is not easy and is clearly impossible for an insane person. The speaker's detachment from reality and herself identity portrays just how damaged this woman has become from following the "rest cure".
The irony of this statement is that her goal is to be cured and achieve a "normal mind" yet the method of obtaining it is what is causing her to go mad. If a person is treated as unstable and confined due to their instability then the problem will only be perpetuated by their limiting surroundings. Gilman's use of irony lays blame on the "rest cure" and indicts the doctor who stood do strongly behind it.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Online Journal #1
Melanie Freeman
English 48B
January 6, 2009
"An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge" by Ambrose Bierce
Ambrose Bierce has been characterized as a cynic, a nihilist and an extreme critic regarding human nature. Wickipedia states that his nickname is "Bitter Bierce" which is clearly fitting in response to his morbidly sarcastic "Devils Dictionary" and his most famous short story "An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge". In this short story, Bierce plays with the idea of death and pulls the reader into a moment that blurs the line between was is real and what it not. Through his sarcastic tone and plot twisting ending, Bierce portrays his nihilistic view of human nature. In describing the execution of Peyton Farquhar, Bierce implies that humans do not appreciate life until it is gone.
"The sudden arrest of his motion, the abrasion of one of his hands on the gravel, restored him and he wept with delight. He dug his fingers into the sand, threw it over himself in handfuls and audibly blessed it. It looked like diamonds, rubies, emeralds; he could think of nothing beautiful which it did not resemble" (365).
In this moment, Farquhar has managed to escape the incoming fire from the soldiers on the bridge and has been thrown ashore by the impact of the "grapeshot" (365) or small cannons being aimed at his position in the stream. This is Farquhar's first interaction with land since his intended execution and is overwhelmed with the joy of being reconnected with life. He lovingly covers himself with sand as if it were diamonds to portray his appreciation for his survival. Peyton has realized how precious life is now the he has experienced what it is like to have lost it if only for an instant.
Bierce's intended significance of Farquhar covering himself with sand does not become clear until the story has been finished. While the scene may appear to signify hope and a second chance at life, in reality this scene is bitter and sarcastic.
Bierce illustrates a man who appears so grateful to have survived death when in reality his appreciation is in vain. By comparing the gravel to precious stones, Farquhar creates a metaphor for the life he has lead up until now. He realizes that each moment in life is significant and even the most ordinary objects have great, natural beauty. His perceived brush with death has given him new knowledge and a new perspective on world in which he lives. Bierce describes Farquhat with a new childlike innocence as he "wept with delight" to emphasize this rebirth. This positive image of youth is also used to show how one can become jaded with age. Age and experience can be seen as a blindfold to what life truly has to offer.
By revealing that in fact Farquhar's "escape" was a mere, last vision before death, Bierce implies how pointless life truly is. If one cannot appreciate the true beauty of life until it is gone then why live at all? This concise yet deeply rich story creates questions in the reader. Are we truly unaware of the value of life? Is there meaning beyond what we are capable of perceiving while living? Does death bring on a heightened awareness that reveals new insight?
"An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge" is an emotional journey for the reader. Bierce takes us through several scenes in which we are disheartened, instilled with false hope and then finally somewhat embarrassed. My thought when reading the final paragraph was "I should have known..." Although I would like to think of my self as an optimist who does appreciate life, this story creates a solid argument for the contrary.
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